News & Events

Newport Fitness Class ›

Posted: 13/10/2022

Are you looking for a gentle and easy way to get moving or get back into exercise?? 
Then why not join our fitness class starting on the 13th of October from 12 until 1pm.
This programme will run once a week for 6 weeks delivered by a trained tutor.
For more information or to book your place, contact Silver Arch Reception at 067-31800.
Remember places are limited so do not hesitate in registering to secure your place....Read more ›

Positive Ageing Week 2022 ›

Posted: 29/09/2022

Silver Arch Family Resource Centre are inviting older people living in North Tipperary to join us at our great Afternoon Tea Dance to celebrate Positive Ageing Week 2022. 
Positive Ageing Week (PAW) is an Age Action initiative to promote the importance of older people and to celebrate the contribution they make to our families, workplaces, communities, and society as a whole.
We are delighted to host this dance, which will be held in the Abbey Court on Thursday, 29th September 2022, from 3pm to 5pm.  Live music will be provided by the brilliant Acoustic Reign and a light afternoon tea will also be provided. The cost of entry is €5 per person and you can confirm your place by contacting us at Silver Arch FRC Reception on 067-31800, emailing us at or calling into our office to let us know you will be coming. Please note you must book your space as numbers are limited....Read more ›


Posted: 12/09/2022

Empower Your Child to Cope with School Anxiety ...Read more ›

Stitching - 8 Weeks Beginner Class for Adults. ›

Posted: 5/09/2022

Start Stitching
8 Weeks Beginner Class for Adults.
Starting Monday 5th September 2022 from 12:30 - 2:30pm.
To book, contact reception at 067-31800.
#stitching #beginners #adultclasses #silverarch...Read more ›

"Children and the Digital World – How Much is Too Much?" ›

Posted: 16/06/2022

Join us for a FREE Webinar, Thursday 16th June at 7pm presented by Ciara O`Donoghue Zeeko, specialists in keeping young people safe On-line.
To register please use link below

Even though children sometimes seem to understand technology better than adults do, they need guidance on how to use technology in a responsible and positive way.

Our children are currently engaged in the digital world to be educated, stay connected with friends and play games. Research suggests that adults who understand online safety and are able to use technology are more successful in guiding children’s digital use.

Therefore, it is beneficial for parents and caregivers, especially with school holidays approaching, to receive information on online safety, and advice on how to help children manage online risks. 

Please note that Zeeko are responsible for the Zoom link.
However, should you encounter any issues with registration, please contact Silver Arch reception on 067 31800....Read more ›
